Учебник по английскому языку за 6 класс аяпова скачать

Учебник по английскому языку за 6 класс аяпова

Поурочные планы 6 класс.Учебник Аяпова.
поурочные планы 6 класс.Учебник Аяпова. сelebrating holidays, fortune teller,What Jane is going to do? и т.д.образец плана: WHEN I'M 25. Date: 20.02.2013. Grade: 6. Theme: When I’m 25. Aims: 1) to speak about structure to be going to. 2) to work new words;

3) to practise their right pronunciation; 4) to speak about future plans. I. Organizational moment. Good afternoon, class! How are you for today? Thanks, sit down, please! What was your home task?

Let me check it. II. Warm up. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. What is Jane Evans … to do at 3 o’clock. She is going to … a meal. Carol is going to …a shower at 8 o’clock. Ann is going to play … at 4 o’clock.

Jennifer …going to watch TV at 6 o’clock. Jame is going to … a book at 10 o’clock. Jame is going to … a meal 10 o’clock. III. Introduction.

Today is our theme When I’m 25. About future plans.
